Tell us a little bit more about yourself?
I was born May 14, 1984 in USA. Singing since I was 2, playing guitar
since the age of 9. I am a performing artist for a living.
In less then 10 words desribe yourself?
Animated, impatient, deep, tortured, philisophically silly
How would you describe your music to a complete stranger?
Soulful, with organic elements
The difference between you and all the other musicians online is?
We are all connected in some way... I can't think of a difference because
I don't know all the other musicians.
What are your strengths as a (1) a musician
(2) a human being?
#1. "Perfect Pitch" #2. I am determined
What are your weaknesses?
I am easily distracted and discouraged
what are the proudest achievements of your life?
Making it to the age of 22 alive.
What type of music do you listen to on a regular basis?
New music on Sellaband is intrigueing me as of late.
What 1 advise would you give to an aspiring musician?
Never stop. Never stop learning. Never stop playing.
How do you feel about interviews?
They can either be super fun, or tramendously boring
How do you feel about optional questions instead of interviews?
Optional questions leave out room for discussion, which can be either good
or bad.
Do you come from a musical background? YES.
Was your childhood inspirational or does it affect your music? My
childhood was very disturbing and unhappy. Yes, it has absolutely
affected my music and why I do it.
Who inspires you? Everyone with a story to tell.... a talent that
supercedes others... or an undeniable sense of self.
Do you get nervous about playing live? Every time. It's good to be
nervous, it loosens me up.
What is your favorite web-site?
What will you do if you never "make it" big in the music industry? I will
still create music and perform just as I have been. Nothing would change,
except the difficulty of music would be a lot less.
What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? Writing a song,
playing onstage, composing a piece for operas, movie scores... etc.
Would you accept a million dollars in cash to NEVER play your music or
anyone elses music again? No. Never. My life is music. I hear it
everywhere I go. There is music in everything.... the rhythm of life will
always be my number one love.
Why do you deserve to succeed? Because I have paid my dues. Success is a
song I would love to learn.
If you had to lose either your hearing or your eye sight - what would you
want to keep? I want to keep my hearing because my ears are my tools that
I use to create with.
What would you do if you were disabled and unable to perform again? Life
would stop for me, either by dying of a broken heart, or ending it on my
What is more important?
(1) having your music heard by the masses for free
(2) being heard by a limited number of people but being paid for it
This is a difficult question. Difficult, because in one hand I have the
ability to share my life and what I do with others which is necessary in
my line of work. In the other hand, I am presented with the option of
putting food on the table... I don't know which I would want more... to be
able to eat, or have others enjoy my music.... I can't answer.
If you had to walk over people to make it big - would you? Yes... it just
depends on who. HAH.
If you could go back ten years - what would you change? I was only 12, so
there wasn't much I could change.
If you were not a musician what would you be doing? There is no other
Do you have many close friends within the music industry? Many.
Who is your number one fan? It's a toss between Patsi Moonbaby, or Ray
Baisden. (If we aren't counting myself, that is.)
What 1 thing would you ask your fans to do to help your carrear? To
spread my name and music... to copy my discs they buy at shows and share
them... to invest in me on Sellaband if they see fit.
Would you suggest a business manager or fans doing partial work?
Absolutely. The music industry is way too difficult to attack alone.
How do you feel about using social networking to promote yourself? It is
one of the greatest strategies, especially for DIY artists.
Would it matter if 99% of people hated your music if 1% thought you were
the greatest artist ever? I suppose so. I base a lot of what I do on
whether or not my fans will accept it... if my music started a direction
that wasn't pleasing to my fans, I would be more than likely apprehensive
about my changes and directions.
What are the major frustrations you face within the music industry? Being
overlooked because I don't fit the "image" American music industries want
to sell... their number one priority is whether or not the artist looks
good on camera. Their number two priority is selling that image to the
masses. And one of the last priorities is teaching them how to either
sing, or lipsync the music they are selling. It's ridiculous that there
are so many over qualified artists out there that won't be in the lime
light because they weren't a model from birth, or they didn't have a very
rich daddy to supply "PAYOLA" to the radio stations and record execs.
How do you see digital distribution compared to physical distribution? It
is the future. People don't purchase CD's anymore because of the iPOD.
Because of this, they are willing to pay per song, per download. I have
made more money off of my digital distribution on CDBABY than I have
selling copies of my record online. Digital distribution also saves me
the time and money of having to spend thousands of dollars on the
manufacturing of my record.
What is the 1 thing your promo kit can't do without? Pictures. Quality
what is your best promotional web-site?
What are the 3 things you need to do to succeed in the music industry?
HAHAHAHA If I knew the answer to this I would have done them by now.
What is more important: talent or determination? Determination. People
don't need talent to make a record today because of the fancy tools used
in the studio. And more importantly, people can't hear the difference
between organic talent and computers, nor do they care.
What do you think of performers who can not play a musical instrument? In
my book, they are not a performer. The only exception to this is if the
person is an extraordinary vocalist who has experience and training on
some level.
Does it matter if an artist writes their own songs or not? I find artists
who write their own material to be more appealing because I feel as though
they are speaking directly to me from their soul. But not everyone can
write hit songs that are appealing to the masses, so there are people who
do that for a living. Don't get me wrong, if Linda Perry allowed me to, I
would sing her songs to the high heavens.
Which do you prefer the oldstyle MTV video or the new style YouTube video?
MTV plays music??? YOUTUBE, Medicinefilms. This is the future.
Do you prefer the recording experience most or performing the songs live?
I enjoy both. For me there is not much difference. I try and keep my
recordings as organic and unprocessed as possible, because otherwise, I
feel like it would be a lie to manufacture something that I don't do
normally or in the flesh.
What advice would you offer someone starting out in the music industry?
Do you feel it is important to know as much as you can on the "business
side" of music? Every day I am learning that this is very important...
without going to college for it, apprenticing the knowledge is difficult,
but not impossible. And definitely a necessity.
Do you feel you know enough? I will never know enough, even when I think
I know it all.
Where do you see the current music industry going? I believe the record
industry will start looking for talent online to try and save their dying
The music industry is best described as:
(1) hell on earth
(2) pergatory
(3) heaven
(4) all the above
It's Hell on earth because it's very similar to the old adage of the devil
offering you everything you ever desired and dreamed of, but then you must
sign your name and life away in blood. It's like pergatory because an
artist can do so much hard work, and still feel as though nothing has
changed, nothing is rotating... it can be heaven for those who find
nirvana and truth within their own spiritual self and their own creation
and music.
What is your opinion of all the lawsuits by the RIAA in recent years?
They are a lame group of lawyers who are getting rich by sueing lots of
people. They don't care who gets the cash except themselves. The beautiful
part about what they do, is they convince people they are on the
musician's side.
Do you respect artists that do styles of music that you do not like?
Absolutely. I have found over the years, that when I listen to something I
dislike, or am closed minded about, several years down the line, I will be
enjoying that same music. My tastes change over time as I grow and learn
How do you feel about drugs and alcohol in the music industry? LOL.
Well... they go hand in hand. With the right amount, the most beautiful
music can be created. With the right amount, the most beautiful music will
be destroyed... and if not careful, the musician with the right amount
will die... be careful.
You can spot a fake person in the music industry by? How manufactured the
songs are... there is a certain "sound" that accompanies those who don't
quite make the bar for talent.
A&R people are best described as? Leprechauns. They have the ability to
grant wishes and do magic, but where in the hell are they?!
Do you believe politics belongs in music? Yes. Social suppression and
those who weren't allowed to speak spawned the earlier music that
stimulates me today. The old gospils... the old country songs... music is
an excellent way of bringing the truth from the streets,to the people.
Are you politically active? Absolutely.
What is more important: kindness, knowledge or talent? They are equally
important. Sort of like, the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost.
Are people born with the gift of an artist or can it be learned? The true
gift comes from those who are born with it. It is a craft that can be
learned, but both are distinguishable and different from eachother.
Which is the better band: Beatles, Rolling Stones, Metallica, U2 or
Nirvana? BEATLES.
Links for you to follow on this artist:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The News Is Fuc**d
The News Is Fucked on Vimeo
Reported by: Lance Barry
Web produced by: Neil Relyea
Photographed by: Jeremy Glover
First posted: 11/1/2006 11:01:14 PM
Last Updated: 11/2/2006 12:07:57 AM
Cincinnati's public access channel says they've done nothing wrong, after yesterday airing a short film full of expletives during the dinner hour.
Media Bridges is refusing to release the footage of that short film to 9News, saying they have yet to receive permission to do so by it's producer.
But even if 9News did have a copy of the film, it wouldn't be allowed to air unedited -- with the "f-word" prominently featured for all, both young and old -- to hear yesterday.
"The content does seem to be of an adult nature," said Tom Bishop, executive director of Media Bridges.
And there's a good possibility that "you" might have been paying for it.
The city funds the channel, and if you have Time Warner Cable, "you" help pay for it.
Media Bridges is funded by a city-sponsored telecommunications act that has Time Warner subscribers given no choice but to pay just under a dollar per month to support it.
"We are funded through the city, specifically the telecommunications act, through our cable provider," said Bishop, "so, 96-cents per month from Time Warner Cable customers."
The half-hour show in question was called a "Mysti Mayhem Presents" short film, shown on Media Bridges' Time Warner Cable channel 4 at 5:30 p.m. yesterday evening.
9News asked several times tonight to be shown the footage that was aired.
"It's not my material to let you look at, except when it was airing," said Bishop.
"When it did air, it showed a "Big Foot" type character who has stumbled into modern-day civilization, complete with the "f-word" being said in the dialogue on multiple occassions, shown unedited.
The director of Media Bridges says you might not like what you saw, but there is nothing you can do it about it either.
"I cannot legally prevent something from going on the air," said Bishop. "That is prior restraint. Public access is a first amendment freedom."
Normally Media Bridges material that is thought to be for mature audiences would be aired after 11 p.m.
But that is solely up the producer to make that assessment.
It's entirely possible that the producer didn't feel showing that film during the dinner hour was in poor taste.
However, the director of Media Bridges didn't rule out that it's airing during the time slot might have been a simple mistake.
Media Bridges says since it is a community-run station operating on cable, they are not held to the same decency standards as broadcast stations.
Please copy and paste this web address into your browser to read the news article on RockStar Rising and Sellaband.
Position Open!
Position Open
For 3 years I have been in complete charge of my career.
On the artistic side, I have done the recording, engineering, editing, designing, instrumentation, writing, playing, singing, arranging, filming, and creating.
On the grunt end, I've done the touring, loading in, setting up, tearing down, driving, repairing, websiting, myspacing, Interneting, blogging, e-mailing, snail-mailing, printing, stringing, posting, flyering, walking, talking, phoneing, sewing, and general laboring.
And In The Business Area, I have promoted, booked, managed, budgeted, agented, contacted, banked, assisted, directed, schmoozed, lobbied, represented, twisted ears/arms/legs/backs & ankles, merchendised, published, copy-righted, and overall have taken whatever measures and steps necessary to get where I am at this moment.
And through it all, I've done my best to look as good as possible and keep a fresh smile.
I'm 22 years old. I have built up accounts and fan bases and return customers and have kept them satisified.
Now it is time to take on a partner. Someone who can assist me in moving my career to the next level. Someone savy and professional. Someone who can make things happen, not just talk or brag about it.
I've been approached by myriads of well-meaners, con persons, and bullshitters that have offered to do some of these chores. But not one person has shown up that can honestly, and diligently do a good job, a better job than I can do myself.
But my career is at the stage where I can't keep spreading myself across the board like I have in the past. Someone needs to come on board now. Not necessarily someone who knows the ins and outs of the industry or is well connected. But someone who can get the job done no matter what the experiance calls for.
This is an open offer to that person. I've already baked the cake. All you have to do is help me deliver it.
You don't have to be a booking agent or manager. But you MUST be sharp, witty, and up for the challenge. Mcgyver skills are what I'm searching for.
Imagine if U2, Green Day, or The White Stripes had come along with this offer years ago. Imagine you signed on for the job. Imagine that you recieved 20 percent of their earnings over all these years. Imagine you helped guide their carreers to the levels they're now at.
What an orgasm! What a golden time! What an experience!
Now imagine you have that opportunity right this minute........
What are you gonna do?
Lets talk.
My E-mail:
For 3 years I have been in complete charge of my career.
On the artistic side, I have done the recording, engineering, editing, designing, instrumentation, writing, playing, singing, arranging, filming, and creating.
On the grunt end, I've done the touring, loading in, setting up, tearing down, driving, repairing, websiting, myspacing, Interneting, blogging, e-mailing, snail-mailing, printing, stringing, posting, flyering, walking, talking, phoneing, sewing, and general laboring.
And In The Business Area, I have promoted, booked, managed, budgeted, agented, contacted, banked, assisted, directed, schmoozed, lobbied, represented, twisted ears/arms/legs/backs & ankles, merchendised, published, copy-righted, and overall have taken whatever measures and steps necessary to get where I am at this moment.
And through it all, I've done my best to look as good as possible and keep a fresh smile.
I'm 22 years old. I have built up accounts and fan bases and return customers and have kept them satisified.
Now it is time to take on a partner. Someone who can assist me in moving my career to the next level. Someone savy and professional. Someone who can make things happen, not just talk or brag about it.
I've been approached by myriads of well-meaners, con persons, and bullshitters that have offered to do some of these chores. But not one person has shown up that can honestly, and diligently do a good job, a better job than I can do myself.
But my career is at the stage where I can't keep spreading myself across the board like I have in the past. Someone needs to come on board now. Not necessarily someone who knows the ins and outs of the industry or is well connected. But someone who can get the job done no matter what the experiance calls for.
This is an open offer to that person. I've already baked the cake. All you have to do is help me deliver it.
You don't have to be a booking agent or manager. But you MUST be sharp, witty, and up for the challenge. Mcgyver skills are what I'm searching for.
Imagine if U2, Green Day, or The White Stripes had come along with this offer years ago. Imagine you signed on for the job. Imagine that you recieved 20 percent of their earnings over all these years. Imagine you helped guide their carreers to the levels they're now at.
What an orgasm! What a golden time! What an experience!
Now imagine you have that opportunity right this minute........
What are you gonna do?
Lets talk.
My E-mail:
Soldiers Deserve Music
Spellbox (Mysti Mayhem & Mandocello) wanted to do something for our boys and girls in Iraq.
So we went to MySpace and did a search for Iraq and began contacting the soldiers stationed over there that also had MySpace pages.
We sent them all the same letter, asking if they'd like to hear some music from home.
We sent out a lot of messages. But we recieved 194 affirmatives.
So we stuffed 194 padded envelopes with all our CDs, stickers, DVDs, and included a little plastic/rubber dinosaur for good measure.
We went to the post office and mailed said packages to the APOs provided.
Yea, we spent some money on postage and product, but we were rewarded with over 100 emails in the coming weeks, such as the ones below:
A Postcard sent from one of our American Soldiers:
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I got moved to a differeny place So now I only have access to the internet once a month. I got your CDs on the perfict day. It was a really bad few days. We had been out for 3 days. We had lost 2 guys. When we got back I went and laid down on my cot and mt platoon sergeant walked up to me and handed me your package. Mysti, You have an awesome voice. It was nice to be able to get away freom all that had happened. Een if it was just for a short time. It is amazing what music can do for ones soul. I really enjoyed Annebella. Thank you very much. I hope all is well with you.
A big fan
"wow i have been listening to the cds you sent you guys are very good i was expecting some garage band star search hopefulls and given my classical violin and guitar and voice training i am very hyper critical even if i cant spell and your gift of music is a needed escape i am very suprised an pleased and thankfull for it i have already started spreading the word and letting people copy some of it i hope that is ok? you have two more fans already today just wait till tommorow and im shure when i get home i will spread the joy exponentually ok i can not spell and one of my guys brought me a bottle of tequlla so that doesnt help your voice reminds me of 4 non blonds with its power and judy collins with its sweettness very very nice "
"Thank you so much for your support. I reciaved you package after work last night and i love the cds and the little dino was cute. I am so very thankfull. My roommates and i love the cds. we listened to them all last night. It was great. Keep in touch and take care."
"Hey you guys!! I finally got what you sent! I loved the CD'S !!! They were great and I especially liked how you re did "Building a Mystery" Oh, it was sooo good..... Thank you... Although, I was confused about the dinosaur and Ernie? Bert?? LOL.. Ok, thank you! You guys rock.. I will try to get you somthing cool in the mail...Maybe some of my unit patches or somthing! Thanks again!!!
Kodi Lee"
"Hi Y'all!
I wanted to tell you that I received your package today. The music is awesome, and we already have it playing over the speakers for the troops to hear!! The dino. was BAD ASS!! It brought a smile to my face. I have named him Flakes! Y'all are great. The troops will know all about you guys.
Talk to you soon
Sure it cost some dough. But in exchange, we get our stickers placed in some exotic places (other than the usual bathroom walls of clubs and whatnot) and we score a few fans to boot. We even got one of them to star in one of our videos via webcam!
Remember, those folks are fighting and dying. So, showing them some support is the least we can do.
So we went to MySpace and did a search for Iraq and began contacting the soldiers stationed over there that also had MySpace pages.
We sent them all the same letter, asking if they'd like to hear some music from home.
We sent out a lot of messages. But we recieved 194 affirmatives.
So we stuffed 194 padded envelopes with all our CDs, stickers, DVDs, and included a little plastic/rubber dinosaur for good measure.
We went to the post office and mailed said packages to the APOs provided.
Yea, we spent some money on postage and product, but we were rewarded with over 100 emails in the coming weeks, such as the ones below:
A Postcard sent from one of our American Soldiers:
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I got moved to a differeny place So now I only have access to the internet once a month. I got your CDs on the perfict day. It was a really bad few days. We had been out for 3 days. We had lost 2 guys. When we got back I went and laid down on my cot and mt platoon sergeant walked up to me and handed me your package. Mysti, You have an awesome voice. It was nice to be able to get away freom all that had happened. Een if it was just for a short time. It is amazing what music can do for ones soul. I really enjoyed Annebella. Thank you very much. I hope all is well with you.
A big fan
"wow i have been listening to the cds you sent you guys are very good i was expecting some garage band star search hopefulls and given my classical violin and guitar and voice training i am very hyper critical even if i cant spell and your gift of music is a needed escape i am very suprised an pleased and thankfull for it i have already started spreading the word and letting people copy some of it i hope that is ok? you have two more fans already today just wait till tommorow and im shure when i get home i will spread the joy exponentually ok i can not spell and one of my guys brought me a bottle of tequlla so that doesnt help your voice reminds me of 4 non blonds with its power and judy collins with its sweettness very very nice "
"Thank you so much for your support. I reciaved you package after work last night and i love the cds and the little dino was cute. I am so very thankfull. My roommates and i love the cds. we listened to them all last night. It was great. Keep in touch and take care."
"Hey you guys!! I finally got what you sent! I loved the CD'S !!! They were great and I especially liked how you re did "Building a Mystery" Oh, it was sooo good..... Thank you... Although, I was confused about the dinosaur and Ernie? Bert?? LOL.. Ok, thank you! You guys rock.. I will try to get you somthing cool in the mail...Maybe some of my unit patches or somthing! Thanks again!!!
Kodi Lee"
"Hi Y'all!
I wanted to tell you that I received your package today. The music is awesome, and we already have it playing over the speakers for the troops to hear!! The dino. was BAD ASS!! It brought a smile to my face. I have named him Flakes! Y'all are great. The troops will know all about you guys.
Talk to you soon
Sure it cost some dough. But in exchange, we get our stickers placed in some exotic places (other than the usual bathroom walls of clubs and whatnot) and we score a few fans to boot. We even got one of them to star in one of our videos via webcam!
Remember, those folks are fighting and dying. So, showing them some support is the least we can do.
Spellbox and John Wayne
Among the endless cornfields is a quaint town untouched by time.
Winterset, Iowa, the home of Marion Robert Morrison, better known to the world as John Wayne. The mere mention of his name produces images of courage and patriotism.
His home where he was born and raised is still intact and preserved to look as good as it did the day it was built. It and its gift shop are run by stuffy older ladies who DO NOT approve of colorful folk comin in and stinkin up the joint (like Spellbox). We had lots of fun playing with the toys in the gift shop and dancing on the front porch of John Wayne's house.
But should you ever choose to visit, tour admission is $3 for adults, $2.50 for Senior Citizens and $1.00 for children 12 and under. Open All Year. Closed on Holidays.
John Wayne's house is located 14 miles south of I-80 (Exit 110) and 13 miles west of I-35 (Exit 56).
American Corn Belt
First of all, if you should find yourself travelling through Iowa, be forwarned that there is NOTHING but corn... nothing.... but... CORN.
It is part of the American CornBelt folks... there is so much corn that their fuel is MADE out of corn!!! (Awesome--cleaner fuel, better quality, cheaper)...
We played a show at Knuckleheads in Kansas City, Missouri. The club was absolutely a 5 star rating as far as quality of service, atmosphere, and legendary performers. The owner, is the NICEST man. We highly recommend contacting Knuckleheads if you are interested in playing a gig or seeing a show.
Also, along our travels, we spent our nights in State Parks camping in our tent to save money ($8-$11 a night). We recommend Graham Cave State Park in Missouri and Black Hawk State Park in Iowa. And for $12 you can camp at a really nice bar in Oglesby, Illinois.
Hidden deep within our cooler was a bottle of Tequila we had never tried before... it has lasted us an amazing amount of time. The tequila is smooth, tasty, and provides the perfect "warm feeling" you expect out of a quality tequila.
This is Mysti Mayhem reporting from the road. We locked our keys in the car and I am in The Roman Candle in Madison, WI writing this while Mandocello is fishing the keys out of the car.... I'm glad we left the spare key under the matt, IN the car...
I would have used AAA, but they are saying that my card is "cancelled"... even though I just renewed my membership for a full year May 1, 2006 of this year... and on my card it says "Loyal Customer since 2004" "Card Valid thru May 1, 2007". I inquired who I could speak with about my situation, and all of their offices are closed until Tuesday for Labor Day Weekend. The lady on the phone told me that I chose to lock my keys in the car at a bad time.
I didn't laugh.
Thanks a lot AAA... I will remember to get a receipt next time I throw my $80 to the wind.
Love, Spellbox
It is part of the American CornBelt folks... there is so much corn that their fuel is MADE out of corn!!! (Awesome--cleaner fuel, better quality, cheaper)...
We played a show at Knuckleheads in Kansas City, Missouri. The club was absolutely a 5 star rating as far as quality of service, atmosphere, and legendary performers. The owner, is the NICEST man. We highly recommend contacting Knuckleheads if you are interested in playing a gig or seeing a show.
Also, along our travels, we spent our nights in State Parks camping in our tent to save money ($8-$11 a night). We recommend Graham Cave State Park in Missouri and Black Hawk State Park in Iowa. And for $12 you can camp at a really nice bar in Oglesby, Illinois.
Hidden deep within our cooler was a bottle of Tequila we had never tried before... it has lasted us an amazing amount of time. The tequila is smooth, tasty, and provides the perfect "warm feeling" you expect out of a quality tequila.
This is Mysti Mayhem reporting from the road. We locked our keys in the car and I am in The Roman Candle in Madison, WI writing this while Mandocello is fishing the keys out of the car.... I'm glad we left the spare key under the matt, IN the car...
I would have used AAA, but they are saying that my card is "cancelled"... even though I just renewed my membership for a full year May 1, 2006 of this year... and on my card it says "Loyal Customer since 2004" "Card Valid thru May 1, 2007". I inquired who I could speak with about my situation, and all of their offices are closed until Tuesday for Labor Day Weekend. The lady on the phone told me that I chose to lock my keys in the car at a bad time.
I didn't laugh.
Thanks a lot AAA... I will remember to get a receipt next time I throw my $80 to the wind.
Love, Spellbox
Holiday Touring
Attention All Musicians!!!
Should you decide to tour, make sure you are not touring through the holiday seasons, for EXAMPLE... Labor Day Weekend.
See.... we rely on camp resorts and floor space to get us through our tours. And because we did not reserve any campsites two days in advance... ALL STATE PARKS WERE FULL... and the only ones with sites available were on a first come first serve basis....
So.... 30 phone calls later and no progress, we pulled in a cheesy corporate park that wanted $50 for a Primitive Site (no electric, no water, no bathrooms)...
We simply couldn't afford that... so needless to say, we spent the night anyway. *grin* We Gorilla Camped. We snuck in and slept........
Folks.... don't be fooled into paying out the ass for sleeping on the ground you walk on.
Should you decide to tour, make sure you are not touring through the holiday seasons, for EXAMPLE... Labor Day Weekend.
See.... we rely on camp resorts and floor space to get us through our tours. And because we did not reserve any campsites two days in advance... ALL STATE PARKS WERE FULL... and the only ones with sites available were on a first come first serve basis....
So.... 30 phone calls later and no progress, we pulled in a cheesy corporate park that wanted $50 for a Primitive Site (no electric, no water, no bathrooms)...
We simply couldn't afford that... so needless to say, we spent the night anyway. *grin* We Gorilla Camped. We snuck in and slept........
Folks.... don't be fooled into paying out the ass for sleeping on the ground you walk on.
Soldier Pete
After our show at Knuckleheads in Kansas City, MO, we were approached by Soldier Pete and his lovely beautiful Wife. Soldier Pete was one of the soldiers who served in Iraq whom we sent CD's, DVD's and little plastic dinasaurs to. He was in town, and saw our show advertised in the local paper, and came out to personally say hello and thank us for easing the sounds of war with our music.
We are very proud of Soldier Pete and the rest of our brothers and sisters who selflessly serve for the protection and right of freedom for the rest of America, and the world.
Thank you Pete. We love you.
P.S. The photograph of the postcard that arrived from Baghdad on the Spellbox site came from Soldier Pete himself!
ATTENTION BANDS, MUSICIANS, ARTISTS!!!! There are people just like us stuck in places they don't necessarily want to be. You don't have to support the War to support your TROOPS. Please send them your music to make their day a little brighter.
Mysti Mayhem & American Idol 6
Minneapolis. What a great city this is. Home of PRINCE!!!
I waited in line for three hours to get a wristband, a ticket, and a registration form for auditions on Friday (tomorrow). Over 5,000 people stood in line, and more are expected for auditions.
I spent the remaining cash I had on groceries, packed my bags and walked 10 blocks to enter the line of 8,000 American Idol contestants in Minneapolis, MN at 5AM. News Cameras and Security Guards lined the blocks while helicopters flew overhead. Guys, gals and eager moms held their sleeping bags, pillows, luggage, and water bottles as they hummed and stood in line like cattle. Some were there as an excuse to skip school and hang out with their friends. Others had travelled from across the map to prove to the world that they were the NEXT American Idol. This was a third audition for one young man I spoke with, who sang in Texas and Nashville for Season 6 and was going at it one more time, more confident than ever.
It was around 7AM when everyone started entering The Target Center doors. Upon entrance, I noticed mountains of fresh packaged food, unopened beverages, and enough candy to satisfy a junkie. Everyone thought it was a food drive. THINK AGAIN!! Apparently, when American Idol told everyone to pack their food and bring water, they did not inform the contestants that this did not conform with Target Center Regulations, and NO ONE could pass through the golden arch without tossing their goodies. Thousands of pounds of fresh edible food were thrown in the garbage that day. Contestants were forced to either withstand the 10 hour competition without food and water, or purchase the $5 hotdogs, (condiments such as ketchup cost $.75 a squirt) and $4.00 7oz bottles of water provided by TARGET. Needless to say, I should have eaten breakfast.
Once the food was tossed, I made my way to my seat. On the floor of the arena were cameras, while overhead an American Idol logo remained steady on the stadium screen.
Everyones eyes were fixed on the center as one of the producers of American Idol instructed everyone on what he needed from us before the competition began.
First, he explained that he needed everyone to participate with the camera and look as though we were very excited every time a scene was taken.
The host of American Idol came out from one of the doors and everyone stood on their feet screaming and clapping as they waved their banners in hysteria, acting almost as though they were at the very first Beatles concert. All of us were instructed to stand and clap when given the signal, after the host of the show said his lines toward the camera. Everyone did as they were told, but as to be expected, it wasn't perfect. So it was shot again.
And again.
And again.
Then the producers decided it would be best if the host said his lines, in the MIDDLE of the crowd, as opposed to IN FRONT of the crowd. So they placed the host in the center of a bunch of hormone driven sex crazed 16 year old fanatics. He said his lines and everyone stood upon signal and screamed and clapped as the robotic arm of the camera swooped overhead like some David Blaine show.... all eyes fixed.
Well, this went on for another hour before the producers felt they had the shot they needed.
But NOW what they needed was for everyone to say, "I'm going to be the next American Idol, Don't Chya Know!!" (Remember, this is in Minneapolis, and the producers thought it would be funny...). The crowd said the line... once, twice.... 10 times before it was solid enough to move on to the next line.
The next line was, "I want Simon to Pick Me!"
I walked out. I don't know how long it took. I thought it would be best to head towards the bathrooms where I could get some peace and quiet...
WRONG!!! The hallways and bathrooms were filled with hopeful teens singing their scales and fixing their make-up. It sounded like banshees.... hundreds of voices all singing out of unison trying to one-up their competition....
I didn't know which room was worse... so I headed back into the arena, where by this time, the producer wanted everyone to sing Prince's "1999" chorus and clap their hands while they all stood and smiled toward the camera. I have to admit, that part wasn't that bad, until 45 minutes of the chorus to "1999" went by... then people were getting upset... they started yelling obscenities such as, "This sucks!", "This is really awkward!!" "Start the Auditions!"
No one heard these cries for help. The monkey torture went on until 9:30 when the producers announced that everyone could now sit. We were finally ready for auditions!!!
People were called off by sections. There were 12 booths.
The booths consisted of an old cafeteria table, two judges and a thin cheap black curtain on either side of the table in an 8 ft space.
One of the two judges was one of the producers for American Idol, and the other judge, who wasn't allowed to speak, was a volunteer with a yellow American Idol T-shirt. To the best of everyone's knowledge, neither the volunteer nor the producer had any background in Musical Theory/Education.
Contestants were ordered to line up four in a row side by side before the two judges at each booth. Behind the four contestants were another row of four, and another row stretching approx. 8 rows back.
Surrounded by nothing but the sounds of singing, the clicking of highheels, and the talk of the other 6,000 people in their seats, I couldn't see how anyone could listen to an audition in that environment, let alone SING.
It was 10:00AM by the time my row approached the two judges. I was third in my row to sing. The first boy sang his interpretation of "Simple Man" by Lynard Skynard. The producer held up his hand in motion for the boy to stop after 10 seconds and asked the boy to sing his second song. The boy then sang, "Behind Blue Eyes". Then he was told to get back in line after 4 seconds. The second contestant was a young girl who sang, "I Will Always Love You" Whitney Houston Style, stopped after 8 seconds. Then I was asked to come forward. The producer asked me what I was going to sing, and I told him "Time For a Change".
I opened my mouth and proceeded to sing, "Well I wonder when their looks will fade. The Fubar'd part is how much they get paid. Seems the price of sex is higher than the song. My guitar doesn't come equipped with a matching thong. If you want the sex turn on the TV. If you want the music come and see me. I think it's time for a change!! And I am a rev......"
I was cut off. 10 seconds of song.
I was told to take my place in my row of four, but before he went to the last contestant in my row, he asked me to come forward again. He said, "Who wrote that song?". I replied,
"Spellbox, my band."... to which he said, "Ah, ok".
The girl after me sang her song and once the judge waved his hand for her to stop, we were called forward instantaneously to be told, "I'm sorry but it's going to be a No for all of you."
We then went around to the back of the table and stood in line yet again to have a pimply faced 16 yr. old volunteer with the same kind of shirts the "volunteer judges" wore, take a sharp cold pair of steel scissors and cut off our wristbands and proceed to the "Non-Winner doors".
The hopes of thousand of young Americans were crushed that day. Days of standing and sleeping on the streets, expenses on clothes and travel, the hopes of thousands of families high, only to be told after 10 seconds that they weren't "good enough"... lots of tears. All and all, it was terrible to see young girls and boys be so upset over a show that some sleaze in Hollywood designed to make money off of. I heard kids saying in a serious tone inbetween gulps of air from hyperventalation and tears, "I just want to kill myself."
"My father will never believe in me now."
"What am I going to do with my life?!"
"I'm never singing again."
These are pretty intense words coming from 17 yr. olds.
And I wonder... does anyone who works for American Idol care that perphaps... they are making money off of the hopes and dreams of children???
Meanwhile the people that DID pass the round to recieve their Golden Ticket, (I'm not kidding you-the winner recieves a golden ticket and proceeds... kind of like Willy Wonka) consisted of a half-naked cowgirl, a tall well dressed black man, and a pirate. YES, I said Pirate. At least that's all the contestants I got to see win before I was tossed to the curb with the other "non-winners".
HOWEVER, remember the boy I told you about... the one who auditioned two other times in other cities??? He DID recieve a golden ticket. GOOD for him! Third times a charm, eh?
The point is... that this was in NO WAY a professional audition. It is impossible to tell how well a person's vocal range and quality is by having them sing for 10 seconds in a room of 50 other singing individuals and screaming fans in the bleachers.
One beautiful 16 year old girl sang her song for the judges, and was told to proceed to the "non-winner" exit. Her young firm breasts bounced as her short skirt flaunted her underside while she walked away. The main producer looked the young girl up and down, nudged his producer-friend he was talking to, and walked over to the girl and said, "Whoa whoa whoa!!! You didn't make it? Here you go..." and he placed a "backstage pass sticker" on her chest and gave her a golden ticket.
I waited in line for three hours to get a wristband, a ticket, and a registration form for auditions on Friday (tomorrow). Over 5,000 people stood in line, and more are expected for auditions.
I spent the remaining cash I had on groceries, packed my bags and walked 10 blocks to enter the line of 8,000 American Idol contestants in Minneapolis, MN at 5AM. News Cameras and Security Guards lined the blocks while helicopters flew overhead. Guys, gals and eager moms held their sleeping bags, pillows, luggage, and water bottles as they hummed and stood in line like cattle. Some were there as an excuse to skip school and hang out with their friends. Others had travelled from across the map to prove to the world that they were the NEXT American Idol. This was a third audition for one young man I spoke with, who sang in Texas and Nashville for Season 6 and was going at it one more time, more confident than ever.
It was around 7AM when everyone started entering The Target Center doors. Upon entrance, I noticed mountains of fresh packaged food, unopened beverages, and enough candy to satisfy a junkie. Everyone thought it was a food drive. THINK AGAIN!! Apparently, when American Idol told everyone to pack their food and bring water, they did not inform the contestants that this did not conform with Target Center Regulations, and NO ONE could pass through the golden arch without tossing their goodies. Thousands of pounds of fresh edible food were thrown in the garbage that day. Contestants were forced to either withstand the 10 hour competition without food and water, or purchase the $5 hotdogs, (condiments such as ketchup cost $.75 a squirt) and $4.00 7oz bottles of water provided by TARGET. Needless to say, I should have eaten breakfast.
Once the food was tossed, I made my way to my seat. On the floor of the arena were cameras, while overhead an American Idol logo remained steady on the stadium screen.
Everyones eyes were fixed on the center as one of the producers of American Idol instructed everyone on what he needed from us before the competition began.
First, he explained that he needed everyone to participate with the camera and look as though we were very excited every time a scene was taken.
The host of American Idol came out from one of the doors and everyone stood on their feet screaming and clapping as they waved their banners in hysteria, acting almost as though they were at the very first Beatles concert. All of us were instructed to stand and clap when given the signal, after the host of the show said his lines toward the camera. Everyone did as they were told, but as to be expected, it wasn't perfect. So it was shot again.
And again.
And again.
Then the producers decided it would be best if the host said his lines, in the MIDDLE of the crowd, as opposed to IN FRONT of the crowd. So they placed the host in the center of a bunch of hormone driven sex crazed 16 year old fanatics. He said his lines and everyone stood upon signal and screamed and clapped as the robotic arm of the camera swooped overhead like some David Blaine show.... all eyes fixed.
Well, this went on for another hour before the producers felt they had the shot they needed.
But NOW what they needed was for everyone to say, "I'm going to be the next American Idol, Don't Chya Know!!" (Remember, this is in Minneapolis, and the producers thought it would be funny...). The crowd said the line... once, twice.... 10 times before it was solid enough to move on to the next line.
The next line was, "I want Simon to Pick Me!"
I walked out. I don't know how long it took. I thought it would be best to head towards the bathrooms where I could get some peace and quiet...
WRONG!!! The hallways and bathrooms were filled with hopeful teens singing their scales and fixing their make-up. It sounded like banshees.... hundreds of voices all singing out of unison trying to one-up their competition....
I didn't know which room was worse... so I headed back into the arena, where by this time, the producer wanted everyone to sing Prince's "1999" chorus and clap their hands while they all stood and smiled toward the camera. I have to admit, that part wasn't that bad, until 45 minutes of the chorus to "1999" went by... then people were getting upset... they started yelling obscenities such as, "This sucks!", "This is really awkward!!" "Start the Auditions!"
No one heard these cries for help. The monkey torture went on until 9:30 when the producers announced that everyone could now sit. We were finally ready for auditions!!!
People were called off by sections. There were 12 booths.
The booths consisted of an old cafeteria table, two judges and a thin cheap black curtain on either side of the table in an 8 ft space.
One of the two judges was one of the producers for American Idol, and the other judge, who wasn't allowed to speak, was a volunteer with a yellow American Idol T-shirt. To the best of everyone's knowledge, neither the volunteer nor the producer had any background in Musical Theory/Education.
Contestants were ordered to line up four in a row side by side before the two judges at each booth. Behind the four contestants were another row of four, and another row stretching approx. 8 rows back.
Surrounded by nothing but the sounds of singing, the clicking of highheels, and the talk of the other 6,000 people in their seats, I couldn't see how anyone could listen to an audition in that environment, let alone SING.
It was 10:00AM by the time my row approached the two judges. I was third in my row to sing. The first boy sang his interpretation of "Simple Man" by Lynard Skynard. The producer held up his hand in motion for the boy to stop after 10 seconds and asked the boy to sing his second song. The boy then sang, "Behind Blue Eyes". Then he was told to get back in line after 4 seconds. The second contestant was a young girl who sang, "I Will Always Love You" Whitney Houston Style, stopped after 8 seconds. Then I was asked to come forward. The producer asked me what I was going to sing, and I told him "Time For a Change".
I opened my mouth and proceeded to sing, "Well I wonder when their looks will fade. The Fubar'd part is how much they get paid. Seems the price of sex is higher than the song. My guitar doesn't come equipped with a matching thong. If you want the sex turn on the TV. If you want the music come and see me. I think it's time for a change!! And I am a rev......"
I was cut off. 10 seconds of song.
I was told to take my place in my row of four, but before he went to the last contestant in my row, he asked me to come forward again. He said, "Who wrote that song?". I replied,
"Spellbox, my band."... to which he said, "Ah, ok".
The girl after me sang her song and once the judge waved his hand for her to stop, we were called forward instantaneously to be told, "I'm sorry but it's going to be a No for all of you."
We then went around to the back of the table and stood in line yet again to have a pimply faced 16 yr. old volunteer with the same kind of shirts the "volunteer judges" wore, take a sharp cold pair of steel scissors and cut off our wristbands and proceed to the "Non-Winner doors".
The hopes of thousand of young Americans were crushed that day. Days of standing and sleeping on the streets, expenses on clothes and travel, the hopes of thousands of families high, only to be told after 10 seconds that they weren't "good enough"... lots of tears. All and all, it was terrible to see young girls and boys be so upset over a show that some sleaze in Hollywood designed to make money off of. I heard kids saying in a serious tone inbetween gulps of air from hyperventalation and tears, "I just want to kill myself."
"My father will never believe in me now."
"What am I going to do with my life?!"
"I'm never singing again."
These are pretty intense words coming from 17 yr. olds.
And I wonder... does anyone who works for American Idol care that perphaps... they are making money off of the hopes and dreams of children???
Meanwhile the people that DID pass the round to recieve their Golden Ticket, (I'm not kidding you-the winner recieves a golden ticket and proceeds... kind of like Willy Wonka) consisted of a half-naked cowgirl, a tall well dressed black man, and a pirate. YES, I said Pirate. At least that's all the contestants I got to see win before I was tossed to the curb with the other "non-winners".
HOWEVER, remember the boy I told you about... the one who auditioned two other times in other cities??? He DID recieve a golden ticket. GOOD for him! Third times a charm, eh?
The point is... that this was in NO WAY a professional audition. It is impossible to tell how well a person's vocal range and quality is by having them sing for 10 seconds in a room of 50 other singing individuals and screaming fans in the bleachers.
One beautiful 16 year old girl sang her song for the judges, and was told to proceed to the "non-winner" exit. Her young firm breasts bounced as her short skirt flaunted her underside while she walked away. The main producer looked the young girl up and down, nudged his producer-friend he was talking to, and walked over to the girl and said, "Whoa whoa whoa!!! You didn't make it? Here you go..." and he placed a "backstage pass sticker" on her chest and gave her a golden ticket.
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