Sunday, January 14, 2007

Position Open!

Position Open
For 3 years I have been in complete charge of my career.
On the artistic side, I have done the recording, engineering, editing, designing, instrumentation, writing, playing, singing, arranging, filming, and creating.

On the grunt end, I've done the touring, loading in, setting up, tearing down, driving, repairing, websiting, myspacing, Interneting, blogging, e-mailing, snail-mailing, printing, stringing, posting, flyering, walking, talking, phoneing, sewing, and general laboring.

And In The Business Area, I have promoted, booked, managed, budgeted, agented, contacted, banked, assisted, directed, schmoozed, lobbied, represented, twisted ears/arms/legs/backs & ankles, merchendised, published, copy-righted, and overall have taken whatever measures and steps necessary to get where I am at this moment.

And through it all, I've done my best to look as good as possible and keep a fresh smile.

I'm 22 years old. I have built up accounts and fan bases and return customers and have kept them satisified.

Now it is time to take on a partner. Someone who can assist me in moving my career to the next level. Someone savy and professional. Someone who can make things happen, not just talk or brag about it.

I've been approached by myriads of well-meaners, con persons, and bullshitters that have offered to do some of these chores. But not one person has shown up that can honestly, and diligently do a good job, a better job than I can do myself.

But my career is at the stage where I can't keep spreading myself across the board like I have in the past. Someone needs to come on board now. Not necessarily someone who knows the ins and outs of the industry or is well connected. But someone who can get the job done no matter what the experiance calls for.

This is an open offer to that person. I've already baked the cake. All you have to do is help me deliver it.

You don't have to be a booking agent or manager. But you MUST be sharp, witty, and up for the challenge. Mcgyver skills are what I'm searching for.

Imagine if U2, Green Day, or The White Stripes had come along with this offer years ago. Imagine you signed on for the job. Imagine that you recieved 20 percent of their earnings over all these years. Imagine you helped guide their carreers to the levels they're now at.

What an orgasm! What a golden time! What an experience!

Now imagine you have that opportunity right this minute........


What are you gonna do?

Lets talk.
My E-mail:

1 comment:

Michi said...

After seeing two shows and buying 2 cd's that I have handed out and I now need to buy more, I think we should meet and see where we are and where we can go with this until we can get you the right agent and staff. You've got THE product now we need the vehicle to move it...Let's Roll! You still owe me your version of Ani's Untouchable Face lol. Michi